Circuitos de la Comunidad Académica Latinoamericana

Cumbre Global Alianza para el Gobierno Abierto, 2015

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MÉXICO | 2015

Apertura para todosOpen gov

Hacia un desarrollo sostenible
27.28.29 OCTUBRE
Palacio de Minería

Acerca de la cumbre

La Alianza para el Gobierno Abierto (AGA) es una iniciativa multilateral fundada en 2011, que proporciona una plataforma que busca mejorar el desempeño de los gobiernos a través de la implementación de los principios de transparencia, rendición de cuentas, participación ciudadana e innovación. Actualmente se compone por 65 países miembro que han utilizado esta plataforma para realizar más de 2,000 compromisos de gobierno abierto.
Cada dos años, el país que preside la alianza organiza la Cumbre Global de Gobierno Abierto, la principal reunión de esta iniciativa que reúne a la comunidad de gobierno abierto en todo el mundo. Durante este evento, los representantes de los gobiernos, la academia, la sociedad civil y las organizaciones multilaterales se reúnen con el fin de intercambiar experiencias, mejores prácticas y los principales retos de gobierno abierto. Por ello, la Cumbre presenta una oportunidad para elevar el perfil de los temas de gobierno abierto a nivel internacional y para explorar cómo se vinculan con algunos de los mayores desafíos que enfrenta el mundo.
La Cumbre Global de 2015 se centrará en cómo los principios de gobierno abierto pueden promover el cumplimiento de los objetivos de la Agenda de Desarrollo Post -2015. Además, será una oportunidad para abordar los principales desafíos que enfrentan los países en la implementación de los principios de gobierno abierto para aumentar la capacidad de respuesta institucional a los problemas que obstaculizan el logro de un desarrollo inclusivo.Gobierno abierto alianza


Wednesday, October 28

Palacio de Bellas Artes
• 9:00am • The Open Government Partnership: What is the New Frontier?

• 10:00am • Opening Plenary: Open Government Principles as Enablers of the Global Goals + Open Government Awards

Palacio de Minería
• 12:30pm • Press Freedom and Open Government

• 12:30pm • Young Social Leaders

• 12:30pm • Openness for All: The role for OGP in the 2030 Development Agenda

• 12:30pm • OpenStreetMap Mapathon!

• 12:30pm • Measuring Open Data

• 1:30pm • Lunch

• 3:00pm • Building Citizens’ Trust in Justice and Security

• 3:00pm • Open Tools for Open Government

• 3:00pm • Measuring Open Government From the Citizens’ Perspective

• 3:00pm • From Data to Delivery: Tools for Advancing Accountability in Natural Resources

• 3:00pm • Towards more Transparent Fishing

• 3:00pm • Supporting the Use of Tech for the Next Stage of Open Government Models

• 3:00pm • Fiscal Openness Working Group

• 3:00pm • Governance Partnerships for Sustainable Development

• 3:00pm • Open Parliament Action Plans – From Idea to Implementation

• 3:00pm • Holding Governments Accountable in OGP: The 2015 IRM Progress Reports for South Africa and Norway

• 3:00pm • Sustainable Development Goals in Open Mexico Subnational Network

• 3:00pm • The role of Joined Up Data Standards in Meeting and Monitoring the SDGs

• 4:00pm • How Can Open Data Deliver Public Sector Innovation?

• 4:00pm • Engaging Gender Perspective in OGP Commitments

• 4:00pm • Developments in Open Parliament around the Globe

• 4:00pm • Open Government Plan for Sustainable Development: A Roadmap for the Region

• 4:00pm • Researching the Real World Impact of Digital Democracy

• 4:00pm • Consolidation of the National Transparency System: A New Paradigm for Open Institutions

• 4:00pm • Improving Forest Transparency through the Open Government Partnership

• 4:00pm • OGP and the SDGs: Open Governments Key in Achieving the 2030 Development Agenda

• 4:00pm • Cities around the World

• 4:00pm • Now What? Taking Action after the Action Plan on Open Commitments

• 5:00pm • Learning from Partnerships in Open Government Pilots

• 5:00pm • Providing Access to Justice for All through Open Judiciary: Comparative Experiences from the U.S., Latin America, and China

• 5:00pm • Radical Experiments in Citizen Engagement at the City Level: the Next Frontier for OGP

• 5:00pm • Open Government and its Impact

• 5:00pm • Network of Reformers

• 5:00pm • From Knowledge to Action

• 5:00pm • One Step Ahead: Korea’s Vision of Government 3.0 for Citizen-Customized Public Services and its Potential for Latin America and the Caribbean

• 5:00pm • Regulatory Transparency in Health Sector

• 5:00pm • Holding Governments Accountable in OGP: The 2015 IRM Progress Reports for Indonesia and the Philippines

• 5:00pm • Open Data for Sustainable Development

• 5:00pm • Building Networks and Partnerships for Parliamentary Openness

• 6:00pm • Civic Tech: the New Tool for Democracy

• 6:00pm • Geo Open Data 4 Official Stats

• 6:00pm • Data Revolution for Sustainable Development

• 6:00pm • Extracting Open Governance in the Post-2015 Context: Linking the EITI and the OGP

• 6:00pm • We will OGP EU! – Towards a more active role for European Union and the Member States

• 6:00pm • RTBF and Access to Justice

• 6:00pm • Money, Politics and Transparency: How can OGP Support Openness in Political Financing?

• 6:00pm • Moving Towards a Latin American Agreement on Environmental Governance | Goal 10

• 6:00pm • Inducing Innovation in the Public Sector

• 6:00pm • Back to Basics: A Look at the Realities of the OGP Principles

• 8:00am • Registration

• 12:00pm • Break


Thursday, October 29

Palacio de Minería
• 8:00am • Registration

• 9:00am • Civic Tech for Open Government

• 9:00am • Public Policy to Combat Corruption: the Challenges faced by the National Anti-Corruption System

• 9:00am • Open Cities, States and Regions: The Promise of Open Government in the Subnational Level

• 10:00am • Are OGP Governments Ready to Implement the Sustainable Development Goals in an Open and Accountable Manner?

• 10:00am • Open Justice: Transparency, Collaboration and Open Data in the Judiciary

• 10:00am • Open Data, Transparency, and Electoral Boundary Delimitation around the Globe

• 10:00am • Open Government Data Updates from Around the World

• 10:00am • The Global Impacts of Open Data

• 10:00am • Building Bridges Between the Access to Information & Open Government Data Communities

• 10:00am • Open Data Leaders’ Summit

• 10:00am • Innovative Strategies to Increase Civic Space: A Critical Condition for the Future of the OGP and SDGs

• 10:00am • Conditions for an Open Governance: Measuring How Countries Implement OGP Basic Principles

• 10:00am • Regulation and Transparency of Lobbying: International Standards for the OGP Community

• 10:00am • The International Open Data Roadmap: From Principles to Practice

• 11:00am • Integrating Privacy in Open Data Practice

• 11:00am • Holding Governments Accountable in OGP: The 2015 IRM Progress Reports for Brazil and the UK

• 11:00am • Support the Supporters: Support for the OGP advocates in non-OGP countries

• 11:00am • Supporting Civil Society Organizations in OGP National Action Plans

• 11:00am • Building robust Accountability Systems through OGP: Learning from Autonomous Accountability Institutions

• 11:00am • Governments & Civil Society Collaboration in Fiscal Transparency Portals

• 11:00am • Opening Up, Owning Up: Contract, Beneficial Ownesrhip and Environmental Data Disclosure

• 11:00am • Open Justice: Bringing the Law Closer to the People

• 11:00am • Open Mexico Subnational Network Workshop

• 11:00am • Open Data Charter in Subnational Governments: International Tools Applied to Cities

• 11:00am • Lever of Change? Learning to Make OGP effective at the Country Level

• 12:00pm • Comparative Session on the New National Action Plans in Latinamerica and the Caribbean

• 12:00pm • The Open Mapping Revolution and What It Means for Government

• 12:00pm • Data: A Gender Perspective

• 12:00pm • Advancing the Open Government Reform Agenda: Challenges and Solutions

• 12:00pm • Normative Standards for Parliamentary Openness, including Legislative Ethics

• 12:00pm • Reformers in Action, Open Government Champions

• 12:00pm • Code for All: Harnessing the Capacity of the Community

• 12:00pm • Subnational Open Government Practices

• 12:00pm • Corporate Vehicles on the Road to Transparency: Where Next for Beneficial Ownership?

• 12:00pm • Open Data Working Group – Priorities and Future Planning

• 1:00pm • Lunch

• 2:00pm • How to Find, Analyze, and apply Aid Data

• 2:00pm • Civic Space Monitor – a New Tool for Tracking Civic Space

• 2:00pm • Lessons from OGP Initiatives For Operationalizing SDG #16

• 2:00pm • Learning from OGP Research – How well is the OGP Working in Countries?

• 2:00pm • The OAS Fellowship on Open Government in the Americas

• 2:00pm • Good Governance in Sports

• 2:00pm • Efforts toward Parliamentary Openness Reform in the Americas

• 2:00pm • Open Gov Guide Launch

• 2:00pm • Access to Information and Improved Policing: Results of a Multi-Country Study and other OGP Efforts

• 2:00pm • To what extent is Open Data Contributing to Open Government in Asia and Africa?

• 2:30pm • Confidentiality and Open Data

• 3:00pm • Taking OGP Subnational

• 3:00pm • Strengthening Civil Society: Moving from Paper to Action

• 3:00pm • Smart Governments: Planning and Delivering next Generation Public Services

• 3:00pm • Where do we start with Open Government?

• 3:00pm • Opening Elections: From Transparency to Accountability

• 3:00pm • Permanent Consultation Forums: Fostering a Multi-Stakeholder Partnership to Advance Participation, Innovation and Accountability in OGP

• 3:00pm • The OGP and other Mechanisms: Competition or Partners?

• 3:00pm • Governments, Civil Society and Citizens Working Together: Social Accountability for Open Governance

• 3:00pm • The Importance of Open Data for Following the Money from Resources to Results

• 3:00pm • Benchmarking Transparency, Participation and Access to Justice through the Environmental Democracy Index

• 4:00pm • The Inverted Pyramid: Strengthening Municipal Organization’s Role in Open Government at the Local Level

• 4:00pm • How can Open Contracting Impact Development?

• 4:00pm • Access to Information as a Critical Link to Fulfilling National OGP Commitments

• 4:00pm • Partnership of Local Government and the Community within the Field of Neighborhood Priorities and Budgeting

• 4:00pm • Holding Governments Accountable in OGP: The 2015 IRM Progress Reports for Mexico and the United States

• 4:00pm • In Search for Inclusion

• 4:00pm • The Promotion for OGP Implementation in Difficult Contexts: Challenges from CSOs side

• 4:00pm • Public Participation Mechanisms to Push for Open Governments

• 4:00pm • Opening Up Education through Open Government

• 4:00pm • Social Impact Bonds, Public-Private Partnerships and other Mechanisms to Improve Transparency and Accountability

• 5:00pm • The Data Revolution will be Open

• 6:00pm • Closing Plenary

Comentarios a Cumbre Global Alianza para el Gobierno Abierto, 2015

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